I Am Told My Business Is The Backbone Of America. But Where Is Money To Keep The Backbone Strong?
It is widely reported that 99.9% of all American businesses are small businesses. As a part of this 99.9%, I already know how vital entrepreneurship is to the American dream. I feel immense pride in my achievements, my business, and also in being a small part of the spirit of America. But at the same time, I do have a few grouches too! The financial sector hasn't been good for small business owners at all. It is well-nigh impossible to score a funding deal without collateral and there is literally zero chance of finding liquidity if one's FICO scores aren't perfect.
I have also had the same problem that all small businesses owners suffer from –NO MONEY to grow my company. The banks don't really want to serve the backbone of America. When compared to larger companies, they don't find us profitable enough to manage our risk - Less than half of small businesses say that their credit needs are met. This affects the community in many ways – without access to short-term credit, businesses can crash through lean times, and strangling of long-term credit can lead to hobbling growth, keeping them small and financially unstable.
Fortunately, the alternative-financing companies are here to take up the slack. They have been extremely beneficial for SMEs as they do not just provide credit to small businesses but also do it in a fast, flexible, and fair manner. Here's a quick look at why they are so great for SME owners -
Easy Approvals
Online alt-lenders have a much higher rate of approval as they don't rely overmuch on FICO scores and routinely provide unsecured funding such as the famous Mantis Funding cash advance by the New York-based lender of the same name. Cash advances by Mantis are underwritten, keeping in mind a variety of data points of which credit score is just one small part. They lend to SMEs based on the past revenues figures of the business.
Flexible Funding Structures
Merchant cash advances are the best example of what the alt-lending industry is doing right! They don't have rigid, templated deals, which get you stuck in years of debt, but instead favor extreme personalization.
Alt-lenders have an incredibly flexible business model that allows them to offer deals on a case-by-case basis – meeting the exact needs of each client.
Fast Processing
Anyone who has dealt with the banking funding application process would be shocked by the speed that most alt-lenders can offer! A look at Mantis Funding concern is enough to understand how much clients value these fast processing time and how normal it is to get money in your bank in just 2-3 days. In fact, for some urgent deals of smaller amounts, Mantis Funding cash advances have been approved and processed in 24 hours!
Alt-fin is what's keeping many small business owners like me afloat and growing!
No kidding! When I needed money to expand my store I got it from Mantis Funding! I didn't manage to get approval from my credit union or my bank, even though my business was doing pretty well. And I am not the only one! My story – with small variations - is repeated in many shops, stores, manufacturing units, and small offices across the country. These are the stories of support and financial aid and of how small businesses survived and thrived because they got the credit they needed – on time and on good rates.
I have worked with folks at Mantis Funding a few times over the last few years, and on each occasion, I have gotten more than just money – I found understanding and professional mentoring. Do check them out if you are in a bind!